Board Reference

    Flight Controller
    Field Oriented Controller

    Motor Drive


    Motion Control

    Attitude Control


    Classical Control
    State Estimation
    Feedforward Control
    Disturbance Observer
    Motion Control

Quaternion Observer

System model

In SO(3), a following governing equation holds.
q˙=Jaco(q)ω, \begin{align} \dot{\bm{q}} = \bm{J}_{\rm aco}(\bm{q})\bm{\omega}, \end{align}
q{[r0r]R4r02+rTr=1}Jaco(q)12[rTr0I+S(r)]R4×3S:x{S(x)R3×3  S(x)y=x×y}. \begin{align} \bm{q} &\equiv \left\{ \left. \begin{bmatrix} r_0 \\ \bm{r} \end{bmatrix} \in \mathbb{R}^4 \right| r_0^2 + \bm{r}^{\mathrm T}\bm{r} = 1 \right\} \\ \bm{J}_{\rm aco}(\bm{q}) &\equiv \frac{1}{2} \begin{bmatrix} -\bm{r}^{\mathrm T} \\ r_0\bm{I} + S(\bm{r}) \end{bmatrix} \in \mathbb{R}^{4\times 3}\\ S &: \bm{x} \mapsto \left\{\left. S(\bm{x}) \in \mathbb{R}^{3\times 3}\ \right|\ S(\bm{x})\bm{y} = \bm{x}\times \bm{y}\right\}. \end{align}

Observation process

When q\bm{q} is given, a map rr that maps a vector from a reference frame to a body frame is expressed as
r:xR3Rrb(q)xR3,\begin{align} r: \bm{x} \in \mathbb{R}^3 \mapsto \bm{R}_{\rm rb}(\bm{q})\bm{x} \in \mathbb{R}^3, \end{align}
Rrb(q)[12(r22+r32)2(r1r2+r0r3)2(r1r3r0r2)2(r1r2r0r3)12(r21+r32)2(r2r3+r0r1)2(r1r3+r0r2)2(r2r3r0r1)12(r11+r22)].\begin{align} \hspace{-2mm} \bm{R}_{\rm rb}(\bm{q}) \equiv \begin{bmatrix} 1 - 2\left(r_2^2 + r_3^2\right) & 2\left(r_1r_2 + r_0r_3\right) & 2\left(r_1r_3 - r_0r_2\right)\\ 2\left(r_1r_2 - r_0r_3\right) & 1 - 2\left(r_2^1 + r_3^2\right) & 2\left(r_2r_3 + r_0r_1\right)\\ 2\left(r_1r_3 + r_0r_2\right) & 2\left(r_2r_3 - r_0r_1\right) & 1 - 2\left(r_1^1 + r_2^2\right) \end{bmatrix}. \end{align}
A gravitational acceleration ar\bm{a}_{\rm r} and terrestrial magnetism mr\bm{m}_{\rm r} on a reference frame are mapped to
ab=r(ar)mb=r(mr).\begin{align} \bm{a}_{\rm b} &= r(\bm{a}_{\rm r})\\ \bm{m}_{\rm b} &= r(\bm{m}_{\rm r}). \end{align}
We can get a measured value yb\bm{y}_{\rm b} of them from sensor and a predict value y^b\hat{\bm{y}}_{\rm b} from the formula above, where
yb=[abmb]R6.\begin{align} \bm{y}_{\rm b} = \begin{bmatrix} \bm{a}_{\rm b} \\ \bm{m}_{\rm b} \end{bmatrix} \in \mathbb{R}^6. \end{align}

Observer design

We set a system state x\bm{x} as
x=[qωb]R7,\begin{align} \bm{x} = \begin{bmatrix} \bm{q} \\ \bm{\omega}_{\rm b} \end{bmatrix} \in \mathbb{R}^7, \end{align}
and assume that a system behaves as
x˙=f(x)f:xR7Jaco(q)(ωs+ωb)R4,\begin{align} \dot{\bm{x}} &= f(\bm{x})\\ f&: \bm{x} \in \mathbb{R}^{7} \mapsto \bm{J}_{\rm aco}(\bm{q})(\bm{\omega}_{\rm s}+\bm{\omega}_{\rm b}) \in \mathbb{R}^{4}, \end{align}
where ωs\bm{\omega}_{\rm s} and ωb\bm{\omega}_{\rm b} denote a measured angular velocity and sensor bias. A system input is ωs\bm{\omega}_{\rm s}. Here, we can estimate a measurable state
y=h(x)h:x[r(ar)r(mr)].\begin{align} \bm{y} &= h(\bm{x})\\ h&: \bm{x} \mapsto \begin{bmatrix} r(\bm{a}_{\rm r}) \\ r(\bm{m}_{\rm r}) \end{bmatrix}. \end{align}
Now, we introduce a map h^+\hat{h}^{+} such that y\bm{y} locally maps to x\bm{x}. We designed such a map by local linearization:
h^+:yR6XyR7,\begin{align} \hat{h}^{+}:\bm{y} \in \mathbb{R}^{6} \mapsto \bm{X}\bm{y} \in \mathbb{R}^{7}, \end{align}
X(hxThx)1hxT,hxh(x)x=[h(x)qh(x)ωb]=[h(x)qh(x)qqωb]=h(x)q[I4Jaco(q)].\begin{align} \bm{X} &\equiv \left(\bm{h}_{\bm{x}}^{\mathrm T}\bm{h}_{\bm{x}}\right)^{-1}\bm{h}_{\bm{x}}^{\mathrm T},\\ \bm{h}_{\bm{x}} &\equiv \frac{\partial h(\bm{x})}{\partial x}\\ &= \begin{bmatrix} \cfrac{\partial h(\bm{x})}{\partial \bm{q}} & \cfrac{\partial h(\bm{x})}{\partial \bm{\omega}_{\rm b}} \end{bmatrix}\\ &= \begin{bmatrix} \cfrac{\partial h(\bm{x})}{\partial \bm{q}} & \cfrac{\partial h(\bm{x})}{\partial \bm{q}}\cfrac{\partial \bm{q}}{\partial \bm{\omega}_{\rm b}} \end{bmatrix}\\ &= \cfrac{\partial h(\bm{x})}{\partial \bm{q}} \begin{bmatrix} \bm{I}_4 & \bm{J}_{\rm aco}(\bm{q}) \end{bmatrix}. \end{align}
This map provides an estimation error as
ex=h^+(ey)xx^=X(yy^),\begin{align} \bm{e}_{\bm{x}} &= \hat{h}^{+}(\bm{e}_{\bm{y}})\\ \because \bm{x} - \hat{\bm{x}} &= \bm{X}(\bm{y} - \hat{\bm{y}}), \end{align}
exxx^eyyy^.\begin{align} \bm{e}_{\bm{x}} &\equiv \bm{x} - \hat{\bm{x}}\\ \bm{e}_{\bm{y}} &\equiv \bm{y} - \hat{\bm{y}}. \end{align}
Then, a state can be estimated with correcting term
x˙^=f(x^)+gex,\begin{align} \hat{\dot{\bm{x}}} = f(\hat{\bm{x}}) + \bm{g}\bm{e}_{\bm{x}}, \end{align}
where gR7×7\bm{g} \in \mathbb{R}^{7\times 7} stands for a observer gain. Here, we can get the error dynamics that is expressed as
e˙x=gex+f(x)f(x^).\begin{align} \dot{\bm{e}}_{\bm{x}} = -\bm{g}\bm{e}_{\bm{x}} + f(\bm{x}) - f(\hat{\bm{x}}). \end{align}
Using local linearization, the formula is transformed to
e˙x=gex+fxex=(fxg)ex,\begin{align} \dot{\bm{e}}_{\bm{x}} &= -\bm{g}\bm{e}_{\bm{x}} + \bm{f}_{\bm{x}}\bm{e}_{\bm{x}}\\ &= (\bm{f}_{\bm{x}}-\bm{g})\bm{e}_{\bm{x}}, \end{align}
fxf(x)x.\begin{align} \bm{f}_{\bm{x}} \equiv \cfrac{\partial f(\bm{x})}{\partial \bm{x}}. \end{align}
Setting g=fx+k\bm{g}=\bm{f}_{\bm{x}} + \bm{k}, the error dynamics becomes time-invariant:
e˙x=kex.\begin{align} \dot{\bm{e}}_{\bm{x}} &= -\bm{k}\bm{e}_{\bm{x}}. \end{align}
Note that this corrector works if a linearization error is as small as it could be ignored.

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